David B. Failey
Founder and Principal
David B. Failey is a HUD Certified Housing Counselor, with experience as a First Time Home Buyer Workshop Facilitator/Presenter, and Homeownership Advisor. With his background in Mortgage Lending, Insurance, and Small Business Consulting gives him a unique perspective on the growing needs of today First Time Home Buyer. He is bilingual, fluent in Spanish as his first language, born and raised in the Republic of Panama, Canal Zone. A peace time United States Army veteran and severed in the Massachusetts National Guard.
David believes that homeownership is an important part of the American Dream and provides families with emotional and financial stability. Also, building household wealth through equity can create the opportunity for the transfer of generational wealth.
His purpose in creating BuyingMiCasa is to use social media to educate home buyers on how to navigate the complexities and sometimes stressful home buying process. He believes that an educated home buyer has a greater chance of success in building and keeping household wealth through home ownership.